Monday, April 29, 2013

What to look for in a tannery

The history of hide tanning goes back to antiquity.  The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians and Greeks all had various methods for tanning.  One of the earliest written accounts of tanning is found in Homer's The Illiad. (circa 800 BC)

"The ox hide, which is soaked in fat, is pulled to and fro by men standing in a circle, thus stretching the skin and causing the fat to penetrate into the pores."

Naturally the modern incarnation of tanning is far more sophisticated.  Chemical and scientific advances have made tanning far more efficient and precise than those of our ancestors.   While the originators of tanning used brain fat and other primitive methods for tanning, the modern tanner uses acids, degreasers, salts, fat liquors, etc.

In choosing a modern tannery one would look for an experienced and efficient master of tanning with a quick turnaround time.  They would be able to handle skins from around the world, e.g. Asiatic, North American, African, etc.  and produce a pliable, quality, long lasting leather.

Other factors a taxidermist might look for would be the strength of the tannery's customer service, reliability and consistency of work quality.

"Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement,  If you can't measure something, you can't understand it.  If you can't understand it, you can't control it.  If you can't control it, you can't improve it." - H. James Harrington

By virtue of having the right benchmarks to measure against, the modern taxidermist is better equipped to find a tannery that can meet all of them.  In the same way that an artist chooses the right canvas to implement their vision, so too is the tannery to the taxidermist.

Chris Feldt
H&H Fur Dressing, Inc.

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